My Journey (Part 2.5) - Fanciful Imaginations

by - October 07, 2020

I'm jumping back to an earlier part of my crossdressing journey to share some of the random imaginations I had, which I believe you may have had too.

The human mind is an amazing thing. It is able to conjure up all sorts of fictitious situations that allows us to go on adventures that we cannot do so in reality. Before your own imagination runs wild, no this post is not about smutty scenarios. 

Wishing for a Miracle

I was from a partially religious family, in the sense that my mum is a really devout Christian. Since young, I was taught to believe that God is out there and he watches over us all. Every night we would sit in front of the alter and say a short prayer to give thanks and praise. I remember in my upper primary school days, I would slip in a short prayer to God for a miracle, that I could wake up the next day and be a real girl. But each day I would wake up the same, leaving me slightly disappointed but nevertheless hopeful that maybe God decided it wasn't time. Being a kid, I didn't know better and always made the same wish during other opportunities; wishing to Santa during Christmas to make me a girl since I had been a good boy, making a silent wish during my birthday just before I blew out the candles, or wishing upon a shooting star even though I could not even see any in Singapore's night sky.

Of course none of the wishes came true. As I got older, I gave up making such wishes and accepted that there was no such thing as "magic" or "miracles".

Characters in Video Games
(Female Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect Games)

Magic in video games though were in no short supply. I used to play a fair bit of video games and in a number of them, I usually projected my wish to be a girl onto these characters. RPGs were the best, since I could create a character and pretend it was me going around completing quests. The character was always female, as pretty as I could make the character based on computer graphics of the time. If anyone asked why my avatar was female, my go to excuse was that it is nicer to look at a female avatar.

In Diablo 2, I was the sorceress fighting off evil demons and casting powerful magical spells. In Final Fantasy 8, I was Rinoa, the pretty porcelain skinned beauty. In the Mass Effect series, I was female Commander Shepard, killing genocidal aliens, saving the galaxy, whilst banging the hot lesbian crew mate. Even in a real time strategy game like Starcraft, I imagined myself as being placed in a chrysalis like Sarah Kerrigan, only to emerge a real woman. I probably played way too many video games in my youth, but I look back to those memories fondly.

I truly looked forward to the day where VR has become so advanced that we are able to plug into a simulator so realistic that we could be anyone we wish to be (just like the movies "Ready Player One", or "Inception", but less dystopian)


Ah superheroes and their powers. I'm not just referring to the Marvel or DC Universe, but any fiction where there are superpowered beings. Popularised by comics, books, movies, games and even Anime, everyone wished they had superpowers at some point in time.

So what superpower did I wish I had when I was younger? Looking through the full roster of X-men mutants, the superpower I wanted the most was Mystique's power of shapeshifting. Yes, Wolverine was super cool, Magneto was powerful, but the power to take on any form at will? Count me in! I imagined taking the form of famous and beautiful actresses of the time and living as them for a time, wearing dresses and living the high life.

The other power I imagined having was the ability to stop time. If I could freeze everything and everyone but me, I could freely roam about the shopping centres, trying on women's clothes without fear of people stopping me or calling me out. One of the first places I imagined going to was a bridal boutique. I would stop time just past morning when the shops are open and help myself to the buffet of wedding gowns on display. I'd secretly sneak my favourite gown home so that I could put it on anytime I wished.

Thinking back about it, it was really a silly phase of wild imagination, reflecting my inner thoughts about wanting to be a girl.

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  1. I used to remember wishing all humans other than me disappear so I'm free to try on items from any shop I want...😁
