Question - Is it safe to crossdress in Singapore?

by - January 12, 2021

As far as countries go, I'd say that Singapore is one of the safest in the world. Homicide rates are very low in Singapore and there's near zero chance of being shot (in part due to the lack of access to guns). Even petty crime appear to be rare, although the police will likely say other wise. The perception of a general absence of crime is so prevalent that people develop a sense of complacency, being perfectly comfortable to leave their bags to "chope" or reserve seats at the hawker centre. This is shown in the chart below.
(Image extract from Asiaone article)

That's great for residents of Singapore of course. But keeping in mind that as an Asian country that is somewhat conservative, a sizable portion of the population that is religious and the fact that society in general isn't too supportive of guys wearing women's clothes, how safe is it for a crossdresser in Singapore, especially one that goes out in public?

Well, the good news is that there's a very low risk of being stabbed or attacked for crossdressing in public, if one is just minding their own business. Even if some people will frown on crossdressers, stare or maybe name call (ah-kua, bapok or other slurs), violence is highly unlikely. This is especially if one goes out to public places where there are a bit more people, such as shopping malls, parks, airport, etc. So far in the 10 plus times I have been out in public, I have never felt unsafe. Of course I do try to keep a low profile and not draw excessive attention to myself.

I cannot imagine crossdressing in a place where people have easy access to guns and religious conservatives have very strong views about what a Man should and shouldn't wear. Perhaps I am wrong, but the presences of these 2 factors just raises the risk of being a recipient of hate crime significantly.

So if you're coming from out of town to Singapore and plan to crossdress, I'd say you'll be very safe. But do plan your trip around air-conditioned place, because the humidity and heat can KILL 😅

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  1. Totally agree with you
    Only heat and humidity in Singapore are hostile, people are friendly.
    (Even kind to describe me in pink Lolita dress as princess)

  2. Yes I like wear tight skirts also I m thinking 🤔to wear out
