Omg I hate removing facial and body hair

by - October 29, 2022

(Warning that this will be a bit of a ranty post)

Facial and body hair is a bane of crossdressers' existence. They're a bitch to remove and doing so takes way too long. Of all the things that I detest, the need to remove facial and body hair is right up there. And that's saying a lot because I'm of Chinese ethnicity, so compared to many other ethnic groups, I'm not very hairy. I've got leg hair that gets a bit wavy when long. I've little body hair on my chest, back and arms. In the facial hair department, fortunately I'm more of a Liu Bei (guy on the left in the photo below) than a Guan Yu. My facial hair is still thick enough to look like a brush if grown out and the distribution of it ages me 15 years and gives me a weird homeless look rather than a rugged masculine DILF look.

(I've always wondered how the guys in shows of ancient China have such sleek looking beards. Likely just attachments)

I don't think I can handle any more facial and body hair than I already have right now. 1 day before each planned dress up session, I will epilate my arms, legs and armpits, taking around 20 minutes. Epilating of my armpits are painful, but it is brief and tolerable. Facial hair removal on the other hand, is what annoys me the most. I used to shave, but it is impossible to cleanly remove all facial hair, resulting in dark "spots" that will poke through the makeup. I could hide the hair if I slap on enough makeup powder, but that's only feasible if I'm going full drag queen (which is not a look for day time shopping). So what I do is to pluck each individual strand using a pair of tweezers. This process takes at least an hour. One. Goddamn. Hour. It hurts a bit too, especially the parts just under the nose. While I have gotten used to the pain, it is the time taken that really galls me. Hair removal is a Sisyphean task; within a week my facial hair is back and I need to pluck the individual strands out again if I want to dress up.😒

If I had zero facial and body hair, Isabelle will be let out a lot more often. This is because the time taken to get ready will just be the makeup time (35 minutes if I'm quick, 1 hour if I'm more detailed), and there's no need to plan and sync my dress up sessions with my beard growth cycles. Yes you read right, beard growth cycle. Facial hair needs to be of a certain length and size in order to be plucked easily (and strangely, it's less painful). If facial hairs are too short or too fine, plucking them with tweezers is incredibly difficult and even impossible. After plucking, the clean look lasts for at most 2 weeks as they newly grown hairs are very fine and I can get away with just shaving. After that it is a mix of thick and fine stubble for around 2 weeks, meaning that having a fully clean look isn't possible. So I just shave regularly until my facial hair is uniform once again before I plan for another dress up session and do another round of dehairing. 

Some might think that plucking facial hair is insane. Perhaps it is. But it is also dedication 💪😣💪 How else do I get the truly clean look?

At some point in time, I'm definitely going to shell out the few thousand necessary for IPL/Laser/Electrolysis (I've not done proper research on which is the most cost effective) and get rid of my facial and body hair for good. The wife dislikes the facial hair anyway, so getting rid of it permanently is a double win.

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  1. Hey Isabelle, know that this is an old post but I will like to recommend you to try out Smoovee Skin Korean Hair Removal. I am currently using their service. I had my leg and armpit hair removal done around 12 Dec 2022 and they hardly grow that fast now. I think it is something worth checking out. The cost is not as expensive as IPL or laser. In fact, the sessions are quite and fast comfortable. The only downside is that they are only located Alkaff Crescent and Punggol Plaza. You can check it out. Cheers.
