Why I crossdress

by - August 11, 2020

The short answer to why I crossdress, is because wearing women's clothes makes me feel beautiful, desirable, feminine. It makes me happy.

I liken it to any other hobby. For example, football⚽️. People get obsessed over football because it brings them joy. Staying up till 3am to watch EPL matches, discussing non-stop about the mad skills of certain players, buying matching jerseys for the entire family and making the once in a lifetime pilgrimage to the Team's homegrounds.

For me, I love to shop for new outfits online and in person. I obssess a bit after each purchase and refresh my feed constantly when I'm waiting for goodies to be delivered. I am willing to spend to replicate a look I saw in a magazine. And it is my dream to wear a wedding gown for a photoshoot (a girl can dream).

The only difference is that general society currently labels crossdressing as deviant (unless you're really pretty). A man is supposed to be the Alpha; a leader, someone strong and in charge. Dressing up in women's clothes emasculates him and makes him "lesser".

As much a I wish my hobby will be socially acceptable in Singapore, I have no illusions that it will not happen in my lifetime. However, Singapore is pretty great in general and a safe place, so I do thank my lucky stars for being born here.

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